Remember Head to Surry Hills? It was originally a 2018 promotional campaign run by the Surry Hills Creative Precinct designed to benefit Devonshire Street retailers impacted by the light rail construction.

The campaign gave $100 a day to shoppers who then visited their favourite Devonshire Street shop. At the peak of the light rail construction Head to Surry Hills proved highly popular among retailers and shoppers, given the depletion of consumer foot traffic during that trying period. In 2021 Head to Surry Hills returns in a larger format as a neighbourhood brand, designed to bring all local events, promotions and big ideas together under one iconic banner. In light of Covid-19, Head to Surry Hills is now aimed at bolstering not only local business, but creativity and community spirit as well moving into 2021.

This exciting venture aims to streamline and encourage community engagement through a branded, locally focused campaign. Think of the big Sydney events such as Mardi Gras or Sydney Festival: in the same way that diverse acts and companies come together under these brands, local businesses, promoters and event organisers are able to register online under the Head to Surry Hills brand, be featured and listed on the website and benefit from the strategic campaign marketing.

The new HTSH campaign collates all events, promotions and local knowledge in one online platform, and is accessible to all community members, businesses and promoters who wish to get involved. As summer heats up there are a number of events and promotions lined up across Head to Surry Hills. From Saturday 20th February through to Sunday 7th of March, with the support of the City of Sydney, HTSH will present 16 days of promotions and events, including Local Rewards offers and discounts, Picnic Surry Hills, Poetry Sydney events, a series of night-time projections and public art installations, self-guided walking tours, and many other events to be announced in partnership with local businesses, groups and individuals.

The aim is to get as many community members, businesses and retailers involved as possible to bolster our neighbourhood as Sydney’s creative hub. From live music shows, artistic performances, markets and gallery exhibitions, to local school events, specialised business offers and locally focused retailer promotions, Head to Surry Hills is driven by community members to benefit everyone – and we mean everyone. Keep your eyes peeled over summer for upcoming events and remember to Head to Surry Hills.

For more information about the campaign,

local events and how you can get involved, visit: